Quarantine Tips and Links
This is a living document, compiling all the recommendations you and the other Fumbally Exchange members shared over email. Have a browse, find something to do! Last updated: 18/5/20 Work Productivity New category! Magda Kuraczowska Magda recommends Pomodoro, ...
Street Feast
The Street Feast initiative provided a wonderful opportunity for the local businesses and residents The Viking Triangle to meet up and get to know each other… Great community bonding event. Beautiful venue and weather, music, food and drinks sponsored by...
Witness the fitness
Witness the fitness is a series of fitness events promoted by Seamus Doyle – Balance fitness, a member of Fumbally Exchange in the Viking Triangle, Waterford. The first Witness the fitness event took place in October 2017 and was a great success. It was ...
FROST a Fumbally Christmas shop
  With its gorgeous shop Frost, Fumbally Exchange will bring a Seasonal Shopping Experience with unique crafts and designs to fill the stockings this Christmas.     More than 20 of Ireland’s finest designers, crafts people and artists have cre...
‘on the pop’
“It happened every time he went on the pop. At first it made him curious. Soon he became only afraid.” Writer Peter MacNamara has written a short story inspired by the Dublin phrase ‘on the pop’. It’s a tale of one young man’s trials and tribulatio...